ProMax 2D

The Complete Panoramic Dental Imaging Unit
Planmeca ProMax 2D are complete units for maxillofacial imaging. Their design and operation principles are based on the latest scientific research and technological innovations. The units are capable of fulfilling even the most demanding needs of modern-day panoramic dental imaging.
Highlights at a glance
Two options for different needs

The three-joint Planmeca ProMax 2D S3 unit has been designed for all 2D imaging needs: panoramic, true extraoral bitewing, TMJ, sinus and 2D tomographic imaging.
While the two-joint ProMax 2D S2 panoramic imaging unit includes basic programs for panoramic, extraoral bitewing, TMJ and sinus imaging.
User interface provides guidance
With an interface that guides users through their workflow, ProMax 2D panoramic units always support a smooth imaging experience. Pre-programmed sites and exposure values for different image types and targets, both saves time and allows you to fully focus on your patients.
Autofocus – for perfect panoramics every time

The Autofocus feature for ProMax 2D S3 helps to guarantee consistently high panoramic image quality. It uses a low dose scout image of the patient’s central incisors to automatically position the focal layer. This dramatically reduces the need for retakes and guards the patient from unnecessary exposures.
Extensive imaging programs
Planmeca ProMax 2D units offer the widest variety of imaging programs, including options for TMJ, sinus and tomographic imaging. The units also have a child mode that allows imaging at lower doses by reducing the imaging area and exposure values.

Open patient positioning

The open-face architecture of Planmeca ProMax offers an unrestricted view that helps you position patients accurately. This can be done either using the unit’s autofocus feature or manually, with a triple laser beam system accurately indicating the correct anatomical alignment points.
Robotic arm technology
Due to patented SCARA technology, the Planmeca ProMax units can produce all the required movements for rotational maxillofacial imaging. The Selectively Compliant Articulated Robot Arm guarantees an anatomically accurate imaging geometry – resulting in clear and error-free images.

Fully upgradable from 2D to 3D

Planmeca ProMax 2D panoramic dental imaging units have been designed with upgradeability in mind. Their modular structure allows easy conversion to different imaging modalities. Whether you are upgrading your 2D unit to 3D or adding a cephalometric arm, Planmeca has the right solution for you.